Does my son need to sit an entrance test?
Yes, students eligible for a place at the School are required to sit the Bexley 11+ Secondary Selection Test and been deemed selective in this.
My son has passed the Kent test, does this still make him eligible to apply for Beths Grammar School? No, Kent County Council sit a different test to Bexley and we only offer places to those deemed selective from the Bexley tests.
When are the Bexley tests sat and what do they consist of?
The will be sat in September 2017 for entry in September 2018. Bexley Local Authority notify parents about the dates and, if you are an out of borough resident, which test centre your child will sit the test at.
There are two test papers with a mixture of questions in each, covering verbal ability and comprehension, numerical ability and non-verbal reasoning. Children sit both test papers on the same morning or afternoon with a short break in between.
I think I’ve missed the deadline to apply for the tests?
Bexley Council can help with any queries that you have. Please visit their website at and go to the Education and Learning section. Here you will find details regarding the tests and what to do if you are applying after the deadline. Alternatively, you can contact the Admissions, Grants and Awards team by phone on 020 8303 7777.
When are the results of the tests available?
For those children who sit the test in September 2017, results will be posted home to them by first class post at the beginning of October 2017.
My son has passed the tests, how do I apply for a place at Beths Grammar School?
All parents receive a common application form in September. On this form, parents should write down the six schools that they would like their child to attend starting with their first preference school. If you wish for your son to attend Beths Grammar, you must place the school on your common application form so that he can be considered for a place at the school.
Help! I think we live too far away from Beths to be given a place for my son.
Beths Grammar School offers places to 192 boys and measure the distance a child lives from the school 'as the crow flies'. All boys who are placed within the top 180 and put Beths onto their common application form are guaranteed a place at the school irrespective of how far they live from it, likewise, any boy with a sibling currently at the school is also highly likely to be offered a place. The majority of boys are offered on the distance criteria - which is detailed above.
My son has not passed the Bexley test. Is it still worth applying to the school for a place?
Because your son was not deemed selective, he will not be eligible for a place at Beths Grammar School or be able to be placed on to our waiting list. However, you are only able to appeal for a place at a school if you have applied to that school for a place and been refused. Please do note, however that appeals for places at Beths Grammar School are very rarely upheld.
I live outside of Bexley Borough, can I still take the test and apply to Beths for a place?
Yes, you will need to contact Bexley Council to submit your son’s details for sitting the test and then, if he is eligible, you place Beths Grammar School on to your common application form along with your other choices.
When can I visit the School?
Our Open Events for entry in September 2017 will take place in October 2017. During our open events we warmly welcome parents and their sons to come and have a look around the school, meet our current students and see the breadth of our curricular and extra-curricular activities.
When does my Common Application Form need to be returned?
The final closing date for common application forms is 31 October 2017 for entry in September 2018. Please note that if you are living outside of Bexley, the date which your form needs to be returned may be different.
When will we hear which school we have been offered?
Letters will be sent by first class post on 1 March 2018 advising the outcome of applications for September 2018. Parents who applied on-line should normally be able to view the outcome from 5pm on 1 March 2018.