Ethos and Values:
Our inclusive ethos is encapsulated in our Values. These were agreed by a panel of students, staff and governors.
1. Excellence
2. Community
3. Respect
Our Aims
Beths will:
Enable every student to maximise academic potential and develop their individual talents
Provide education with character, embracing a wide range of enrichment activities
Provide a stimulating, caring and secure environment, building on traditional values and standards
Challenge students to acquire individual responsibility, respecting the values and beliefs of others while developing their own
Create a culture which reflects our technologically advanced era and embraces innovation
Work with a wide range of partners to ensure our young people are able to take full advantage of the lifetime opportunities open to them
Create a generation of leaders and develop well rounded individuals able to perform to the best of their abilities and progress towards the height of their ambition.
Our Strategic Vision
Our ambition is to:
Provide a first class education to all students, delivering outstanding academic and personal achievement.
Foster a physical and cultural environment that reflects a modern and intelligent approach to learning, is inclusive of every student and positively considers the well-being and mental health of all as a priority.
Be a collaborative school, which is at the heart of the community and builds relationships.
Encourage improvement by continuously evaluating what we do and by embracing best practice.
British Values
The instilling of traditional values is at the heart of our school; it can be found within our school aims:
To enable each student to maximise their academic potential and develop individual talents
To provide education with character, embracing a wide range of enrichment activities
To provide a stimulating, caring and secure environment, building on traditional values and standards
To challenge students to acquire individual responsibility, respecting the views, values and beliefs of others whilst developing their own
To create a culture which reflects our technologically advanced era and promotes innovation
To work with a wide range of partners to ensure young people are able to take full advantage of the lifetime opportunities open to them
It is also embedded into our curriculum and policies.
Below are the documents which directly address/incorporate the five key aspects of British values, as set out by the Government in the 2011 Prevent Strategy:
- Student Council
- Teaching and Learning policy
Rule of Law
- Behaviour, Rewards and Support policy
- Discipline statement
- Anti-Bullying policy
Individual Liberty
- Complaints Procedure
- Equality policy
- Pupil Records policy
Mutual Respect
- Beths Houses
- Equality policy
- Teaching and Learning policy
- Anti-Bullying policy
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
- Collective Worship policy
- Equality policy