
Homework Timetable

Homework is given regularly to help develop self-reliance and the ability to work alone.  It also provides the repetition and reinforcement which is indispensable in the acquisition of skills.

A Homework timetable for Years 7-11 details the number of times each subject is expected to set homework each week.  Each homework task needs to be recorded on Show My Homework.

Heads of Department are required to monitor the regularity and quality of homework set in their department.

Subject teachers should ensure that homework tasks are written in the Student Planner.  This should be done before the end of the lesson so that all students have the opportunity to be quite clear about what is expected.

Form tutors should use the Student Planner to track the amount of homework set each week.

Recommended times are:

Year 7:                                   up to 90 minutes per subject per week

Year 8:                                   up to 90 minutes per subject per week

Year 9:                                   up to 90 minutes per subject per week

Year 10:                                 up to 120 minutes per subject per week

Year 11:                                 up to 120 minutes per subject per week

Year 12, 13:                          5 hours per subject per week