
Pastoral Care

Beths Grammar School prides itself on its well-targeted emotional and academic support for all students within its care, via the pastoral system and our IEN department.

‘Peer Mentors’ are assigned to each tutor group and are easily approachable by any students who may prefer to speak to another student rather than an adult. 

However, if a student does have a problem or query that the peer mentor is unable to help with, each student is a member of a form group and their Form Tutor is the first point of call if they have any issues. If the Form Tutor is unable to deal with the problem, then the Head of Year will become involved. Further, if the Head of Year is also unable to help, a Deputy Head is assigned to each key stage and will become involved if they are required.

Keeping children safe online: 

Talking to your child about online sexual harassment: A guide for parents | Children's Commissioner for England (