New Governor Wanted
Would you be interested in joining the Governing Body at Beths? Being a Governor is very enjoyable and rewarding. You would help to set the strategic direction, vision and ethos of the school, support the school in raising standards and help students to achieve their full potential. We currently have a vacancy in the following areas:
Appointed Governors
In addition, we need to recruit an Appointed Governor. This Governor will not have to be a parent (although they may be) and are appointed by the Academy Trust for the particular skills that they can bring to the Governing Body. At the moment we are keen to appoint a Governor with a background in educational performance/school improvement, finance or law. If you have any of these particular skills, or you know someone who does, and might be interested, please contact me via the school office.
What being a Governor means
The full Governing Body meets four times a year and Governors usually sit on at least one committee, which involves a further three or four meetings a year. Meetings are normally held in the early evening. Some Governors also take on special responsibilities such as safeguarding or health and safety, or take an interest in a particular subject area and are linked to the relevant department. Governors are also encouraged to take part in visits to the school and attend events which will help them to experience and understand how the school operates.
The role of Governor is entirely voluntary. Many employers will support staff wanting to become Governors, recognising the opportunity this provides to develop skills, by allowing time off work for Governing Body duties. Nobody expects you to know everything about being a Governor when you are appointed. You will receive support from existing Governors and the clerk, be assigned a Governor ‘buddy’ and benefit from the excellent support and training programme run by Bexley Council (courses are held during the day and evenings).
We are keen to invite applications from people of all ages and cultural backgrounds.